访问人数: 536


谢建新二级教授,兵团学术技术带头人,硕士研究生导师,华中科技大学兼职博导,新疆临床营养学会理事、新疆解剖学会副理事长。从事教学、科研工作30年,曾在美国佐治亚yl23455永利官网访学。主要研究方向为“新疆高发慢性代谢性疾病的发病机制研究”。近年来先后主持科技部新药博士基金项目1项、国家“973前期”项目1项,国家自然科学基金项目3项、省部级项目5项,累计经费400余万元;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文12篇(其中JCR 11篇,25篇,IF合计:35.32);获省部级科学技术进步二、三等奖各1项;主编专著2部;指导硕士研究生获校级优秀硕士学位论文1篇,获研究生国家奖学金1名、获校级优秀硕士毕业生1名。









(3)肥胖对骨代谢的影响及其作用机制研究国家自然科学基金,81360142, 2014 .1-2017.1248万。

(4)肥胖对前列腺癌选择性骨转移的影响及其作用机制研究,兵团国际合作项目(2016AH005),2016.1- 2018.1230万。


(1)Wei Li, Peng Xu,Cuizhe Wang, Xiaodan Ha, Yajuan Gu, Yan Wang,Jun Zhang*, Jianxin Xie*.The effects of fat-induced obesity on bone metabolism in rats.The effects of fat-induced obesity on bone metabolism in rats.Obes Res Clin Pract.2017 Jul;11(4):454-463.SCI, IF:2.6062PMID:28065384

(2)Cuizhe Wang, Xiaodan Ha, Wei Li, Peng Xu, Yajuan Gu, Tingting Wang, Yan Wang, Jianxin Xie*, Jun Zhang*.Correlation of A2bAR and KLF4/KLF15 with obesity-dyslipidemia induced inflammation in Uygur population. Mediators of Inflammation,2016; 2016:7015620.SCI, IF:3.5492PMID:27199507

(3) Wang C, Ha X, Li W, Xu P, Gu Y, Wang T, Wang Y, Xie J*, Jun Zhang*.Correlation of TLR4 and KLF7 in Inflammation Induced by Obesity. Inflammation,2017 Feb;40(1):42-51.SCI, IF:2.955,3区,PMID:27714571

(4)Zhang J, Wang C, Ha X, Li W, Xu P, Gu Y, Wang T, Wang Y, Xie J*.DNA methylation of tumor necrosis factor-α, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and adiponectin genes in visceral adipose tissue is related to type 2 diabetes in the Xinjiang Uygur population.J Diabetes. 2017,9(7):699-706. SCI, IF:3.039,3,PMID:27573980

(5)Jun Zhang, Zhiwei Zhang,Yulei Ding, Peng Xu, Tingting Wang, Wenjing Xu, Huan Lu, Jun Li, Yan Wang, Siyuan Li , Zongzhi Liu, Na An, 

Li Yang,JianxinXie*. Adipose tissues characteristic of normal, obesity and type 2 diabetes in Uygurs population.Journal of Diabetes Research, 

2015:905042.( SCI, IF:2.717, 3区,PMID:26273678) ( ISSN: 2314-6745)